Traffic Violations
Think about it, whether you were late for work, ran a red light at an empty intersection, or you had a few drinks before heading across town to your home, if you’re convicted of a traffic violation in New Hampshire or Massachusetts, you may be facing serious penalties. Fees quickly mount and points from tickets can massively increase your insurance premiums, and if the violation is serious enough or if you’ve been convicted of several traffic violations, you could have your license suspended or revoked.
As an experienced traffic violation attorney, Attorney Robert H. Prince will stand by your side and provide a comprehensive, aggressive defense. With a legal career spanning several decades, Attorney Prince will help you navigate your legal options in regards to a traffic violation, including representing you in court to contest your ticket or review a license explosion suspension at the motor vehicle division. If you’ve been arrested or summonsed for a traffic violation, contact the Law Office of Attorney Robert H. Prince at 603-401-0409 or
New Hampshire Rules of the Road
Traffic laws in New Hampshire are governed by New Hampshire Statues Title XXI: Motor Vehicles, Chaper: 256, Rules of the Road. It is through this state-official document that you can find most of the laws and regulations, ranging from official hand-and-arm signals to racing on highways. Some of the most common rules of the road include:
Speeding in a construction zone
Reckless driving
Negligent driving
Expired license
Expired registration
Running a red light or stop sign
Failure to signal a lane change
Failure to wear a seat belt
Leaving the scene of an accident
Driving without a license
Driving with a suspended license
Although Driving Under the Influence (DUI) occurs on New Hampshire roads, the laws governing alcohol and drug impairment are found within New Hampshire Statutes Chapter 256-A.
If you’ve been charged with a traffic violation, or you need to reinstate your license, or if you want to contest a violation, it is essential to contact an experienced traffic violations attorney as soon as possible. With decades of experience, Attorney Robert H. Prince offers comprehensive legal representation and consultation. Don’t let a traffic violation negatively impact your life later on, and take care of the situation before it escalates to something more serious. Call the Law Office of Attorney Robert H. Prince today at
603-401-0409 or 617-721-9141.